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Helen Windermere Solo

What a start for this swimmers solo.

The sun was out in full force today along with cross winds that made this swim an extra challenge.

Winds picking up followed by extra boat traffic on the water. Meant Helen had to push on with extra power.

Choppy waters after 5 hours started to make this swim more than the average Windermere solo.

Great smooth ocean walker swim stroke.

7 hours in and the never ending waves kept on pushing Helen back.

We had a nice visit from the RAF, who waved at Helen from the sky.

Wave after wave after wave...

A mile after reaching the half way point at 8 hours and 30mins into her swim, Helen made the desision of stopping.

What an incredible swimmer you are Helen. We look forward to seeing you back at Windermere next year to smash this swim.

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1 Comment

Sep 27, 2021

Well done 👏

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